APSC examination Topper strategy : APSC CCE examination 2018 topper Miss Parineeta Chakraborty recommends extensive practice and informal reading to add an analytical aspect to one’s answers in the main exam. The Assam public service commission exam is believed to be one of the most hard exam in india. Lakhs of applicants participate in this examination but only a few were selected.

Today we will disscuss about the Strategy which APSC toper miss Parineeta Chakraborty who secured Rank 4 in APSC CCE 2018 used during his preparation days. And we will also discuss her Interview experience.
Personal information :
Name | Parineeta Chakraborty |
Rank in Civil Services | 4 |
Marital Status | Unmerried |
Total attempts in CEE | 1 |
Optional Subjects | Chemistry(for Prelims and Mains) and Education (for Mains) |
Service Joined | ACS |
Medium chosen for Mains answers | English |
Home town/city | Guwahati |
Educational qualification :
% in class 10th exam | 91.5 |
% in Class 12th Exam | 85.8 (Science) |
Graduation | BSc. with honours in Chemistry, passed in 2015, With 89% From Cotton College, Guwahati |
Post Graduation | MSc. with specialisation in Organic Chemistry, passed in 2017, CGPA-8.37 |
APSC exam preparation Experience :
• Tell us something about yourself, your family, when and why did you enter in this field of competitive exams?
Ans: My name is Parineeta Chakraborty. I’ve been born and brought up in Guwahati where I live with my parents and my younger brother. My parents are working and my brother is currently pursuing his Bachelors with honours in Economics.
The desire to become a civil servant shaped up during high school days because this career field provides an individual with ample opportunities to work for the public and address and resolve various issues pertaining to the society and the public.
• What was your approach in the exam?
Ans : Except for leaving a four-mark question in my Chemistry Paper 1 Optional, I attempted every question in all the other papers. Regarding the quality of the answers, I maintained uniformity throughout the papers. My answers were in line with the question and within the given word limit.
• What were your optional subjects and why did you choose them?
Ans: My optionals were Chemistry and Education. I chose Chemistry because I did my post-graduation in Chemistry, and Education because the subject is interesting, practical, and the syllabus is quite concise. But, the new syllabus of APSC CCE has excluded Education as an optional paper. Regarding Chemistry as an optional, any Chemistry graduate or post-graduate who is very thorough with their Bachelor’s and Master’s topics can definitely opt for it as their Optional.
• What are the books you referred to during your preparation?
Ans: The book sources for Chemistry are the same as the ones that are usually read in BSc and MSc honours courses. Current affairs related to Chemistry are not generally asked in the Optional paper but such questions might be posed in the GS paper under Science and Technology.
• How many months did it take to finish the optional syllabus?
A: It took me a month to finish Chemistry, and around two months for Education.
• Did you attend any mock tests? Do you think they’re necessary? How many days/weeks before the exam did you take up answer writing practice papers?
Ans: No, I did not attend any mock test for Mains. I cannot say that they are indispensable but as we know “practice makes perfect”, so attending mock tests can surely improve one’s answer writing skills. As far as answer writing is concerned, I did not do much of it. I did not do practice papers before the exam as well. By saying so, I do not encourage upcoming aspirants to do the same. I’ve had the habit of creative writing since school which, I think, has helped me in framing answers directly in the exam.
• How did you prepare for the interview? How did you prepare for the interview?
Ans: The interview is the most unpredictable stage in the whole exam. We all know that it is primarily a test of one’s personality, so we need to answer with honesty. It’s always better to say “Sorry, I do not know the answer” than to just beat around the bush if we are unsure of anything that the interviewer asks. All I did before the interview was to go through facts related to my hometown, hobbies, educational background, and optionals.
• Did you attend any mock interviews? How were they similar/different from the official interview?
A: I did attend a mock interview; the environment in the mock interview was almost like the official interview, though the questions were different. It’s upto one’s own discretion whether he/she wants to attend a mock interview.
Complete Interview Experience :
My interview started with questions relating to the organisation that I am a part of (Ujjeevit Foundation) after which they asked me questions relating to Assamese literature, Fokora-Jujona, etc. I was also asked a few questions on Chemistry (eg: what is cascading effect in water treatment process? pH scale, etc.,) as well as on a few educational policies (as my second optional was Education). There were also a few situational and miscellaneous questions.
• Many candidates prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear about ‘profile insecurity’. I’m not from a big college, I’m not from English medium, and I don’t have work-experience. What if they ask some stressful questions in the interview about this? What is your message to these candidates?
Ans: These aren’t even issues to be bothered about while preparing for this examination. It hardly matters which school or college an aspirant is from. All that matters is how sincere,hardworking and passionate an individual is towards fulfilling his/her vision. So I would like to request all the upcoming aspirants to keep all their insecurities at bay and continue preparing with a positive mindset.
• People, most of them lack consistency in their preparation. So, how do you keep study momentum going on?
Ans: If the reason / driving force to become a civil servant is strong, one will never be derailed from their path. There were , of course ,moments when I felt anxious and worried about the uncertain future but I was always surrounded with a bunch of amazing friends and family who cheered me up during my gloomy days and motivated me to remain focused on my preparation.
• Through this struggle and success, what have your learned ? What is your message to the new aspirants? Many hardworking candidates have failed in Mains/Interview. They’re feeling cynical, hopeless and depressed- what is your message to them?
Ans: Our life is all about facing the struggles that are posed upon us at different stages in life. In the end, this is just an exam and it can never be larger than life. Failures do bring in disappointment but certain things are beyond our control, eg our destiny. So we should focus on what lies in our hands; if a candidate failed to get through this time, he/she shall analyse their respective loopholes, start rectifying them and start afresh on an optimistic note.
• Behind every topper are many people who stood by during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case?
Ans: Behind every successful individual,there stands an army of supporters. I,too, had my army who believed in me more than I believed in myself. My parents to whom I owe every little achievement of mine, my brother ,teachers,friends, neighbours and relatives filled in my surroundings with positivity. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank one of my strongest support systems, Madhurjya Buragohain(Asst. Commisioner and EM, Sadiya) who stood by me whenever I felt low, took great care of my mental well-being and also provided me with valuable guidance to boost my preparation. Last but never the least, I dedicate this fulfilment of mine to my deceased grandmother whose last wish was to see me as a public servant.