Assam current affairs 2021 : In todays daily Assam Current affairs season we will discuss about the topic “IBF to be renamed as IBDF”

Highlights :
• Apex body of broadcasters, Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF) has extended its purview to cover digital streaming platforms. Also, it will be renamed as Indian Broadcasting and Digital Foundation (IBDF).
• Extended coverage will bring broadcasters and OTT (over-the-top) platforms, under one roof. Decision was taken in the view of substantial jump in their viewership base during covid-19 pandemic.
How platforms will be regulated?
To regulate them, IBDF is considering to form a new wholly-owned subsidiary which will handle all matters of digital media. A self-regulatory body called ‘Digital Medic Content Regulatory Council (DMCTC)’ will also be established for digital OTT platforms.
Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF)
IBF is a unified representative body of television broadcasters, established in 1999. About 250 Indian television channels are associated with it. IBF act as spokesman of India Broadcasting Industry. It is the parent organisation of Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC), established in up 2011, to examines content-related complaints. IBF will now be renamed as “Indian Broadcasting and Digital Foundation” to bring digital OTT platforms under its purview.
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